How do I embed Storms in websites and other apps?

Embed your Storms across other websites and apps that support an iFrame embed code.

When you embed a Storm in another website or app, you can set the access level specifically for users of the app and allow them to enter the Storm as a Viewer (allows users to view the Storm from within the app) or Contributor (allows users to edit the Storm from within the app).

Read our how-to embed guides for some of our most popular integrations: 

Embed Storms with the embed code

For all other websites and platforms that support iFrame, you can embed Storms using an embed code. Some examples include WordPress and Squarespace.

How to get the embed code:

  1. Click the 'Share' button in the top-right corner of a Storm. Switch to the 'Embed' tab in the share dialog.

  2. Click the toggle to enable the embed option.

  3. Set the access level by using the dropdown to allow users to enter the Storm as a Viewer or Contributor.

  4. Click 'Copy' on the embed code.

    • Note: Embed code can be regenerated making previous code invalid.

  5. Go to a website or a platform where you would like to embed the Storm and insert the copied code in the page code.