Stormboard App for Zoom - user guide

Guide to Installing, Using, and Uninstalling the Stormboard App for Zoom

The Stormboard App for Zoom revolutionizes the way teams collaborate by bringing the power of digital "Storms" directly into your Zoom meetings. This seamless integration allows you to engage in real-time brainstorming, planning, and decision-making without ever leaving the Zoom interface. 

Once the app is installed, you can immediately share existing Storms during your Zoom calls, or create a new Storm on-the-fly to capture ideas, structure workflows, and drive meeting outcomes—all within the Zoom environment.

Install the Stormboard App for Zoom

To install the Stormboard App for Zoom:

  1. Sign In to Your Zoom Account: Log in to your existing Zoom account, or create one if you haven't already.

  2. Navigate to the Marketplace: Visit the Zoom App Marketplace and search for the Stormboard App for Zoom.

  3. Install the App: Once on the Stormboard App page, click the "Install" button to begin the installation process.


  • Your admin may need to pre-approve the Stormboard App for use in your organization. Click the "Request Pre-Approval" button to send a request to your company’s Zoom admin.
  • Once approved, users can authorize the Stormboard App for Zoom through the installation flow, making it ready for use in future Zoom meetings.

How to Use the Stormboard App in Zoom Meetings

Stormboard users can enjoy a fully integrated experience within Zoom. Once you've signed in and connected Stormboard to Zoom, you can either create a new Storm or choose from existing Storms within your team.

  1. Access Apps: Click on "Apps" at the bottom of the Zoom client. 

    apps button
  2. Open Stormboard App: Click on the Stormboard App, which will open in the sidebar of your Zoom client.

  3. Sign-In & Permissions: If you're not already signed into the Stormboard app, you will be prompted to sign in via your web browser. You will also be asked to grant access between Zoom and Stormboard. Follow the prompts and then click "Open" to return to the Zoom client.

  4. Select Your Team and Storm: Use the dropdown menu to select the team and Storm you want to share. You can type in the dropdown field to quickly locate the correct Storm. Alternatively, you can click the blue "Create a Storm" button to start a new Storm.

    Create storm dropdown field

  5. Select Access level: select whether participants will join your Storm as Contributors or Viewers.

    selecting access level

  6. Embed Storm: Press the embed Storm button. Once the Storm is embedded you will see the Storm in the side bar.
    Embed storm button
  7. Collaborate: Press the collaborate button to start sharing to all participants on the call.

    collaborate button


  • Start Sharing: Press the Collaborate button in the sidebar to begin sharing the Storm with meeting participants.  
    collaborate button

  • End Sharing: To stop sharing with participants, press the End button in the top right corner of the window.
    end button

Uninstall the Stormboard App for Zoom

To uninstall the Stormboard App for Zoom, follow these steps:

  1. Log In to Your Zoom Account: Sign in to your existing Zoom account.

  2. Navigate to the Marketplace: Go to the Zoom App Marketplace.

  3. Manage Apps: Click on "Manage" followed by "Added Apps." You can also use the search function to locate the Stormboard App quickly.

  4. Select the Stormboard App: Click on the Stormboard App within your list of added apps.

  5. Uninstall: Click the "Uninstall" button to remove the Stormboard App from your Zoom account.