How do I change the color of a sticky?

Select the color of your sticky note as you create it or adjust it afterwards.

Note: You can only change the color of the stickies you created unless you are given permission by the Storm Administrator.

For a NEW sticky

  1. Double click anywhere on your Storm to create a new sticky.

  2. Click on any of the coloured dots available on the top left of your sticky.

A new sticky with the color drop down menu opened

  3. The sticky will now be the new color you selected. All of your new stickies will now have this new color unless you change it again. 

Changing the color from yellow to blue

For a sticky that has already been created 

  1. Single click on any sticky note to bring up the edit sticky note menu 

Changing the color of an existing sticky

   2.  Select a new color from the bottom of the sticky note menu

Changed the color to green on an existing sticky

For a sticky someone else created 

Only the Storm Administrator can allow ALL users to edit everyone's ideas.


Also See: