Different user types that are reflected on your bill.
What types of users are on Stormboard?
Team Administrator - The Team Administrator handles account management on Stormboard. The Team Administrator can change all billing information, manage users on the team, create new Storms and is the user that creates the Stormboard subscription. Enterprise subscriptions can set multiple team owners all other subscriptions are limited to one.
Team Administrator are paid members on your Stormboard bill.
Storm Creator - Storm Creators can create new Storms, share and invite others to collaborate, and collaborate on Storms that they are invited to on the team.
Storm Creators are paid members on your Stormboard bill.
Storm Contributor - Any user invited to a Storm with a contributor link. These users can create, move, vote, comment and interact with sticky notes on Stormboard.
Storm Contributors are paid members on your Stormboard bill.
Storm Viewer - Storm Viewers are only able to view the contents of your Storm and not contribute. Only Storm Creators can invite viewers.
Storm Viewers are free.