Use the top menu to chat, search, keep track of tasks, and monitor Storm activity.
The Activity Panel
Located in the top menu of your Storm, the Activity Panel shows a chronological list of all the things that have occurred in the Storm from the beginning until the present.
Use the filter if you would prefer to see only the new ideas, the new comments, or all of the activity.
If you click on one of the ideas or comments in the panel, Stormboard will automatically zoom you over to that sticky note.
The Tasks Panel
The Tasks Panel shows all of the complete and incomplete tasks that have been assigned in the Storm, who they have been assigned to, and their due date.

To assign tasks to your team members, click on the grey checkmark on the bottom-right corner of the sticky note. You can then select the person responsible for the task and the deadline.
Search and Chat
You can also use the top menu to search within your Storm and chat with your team.
Also see: