Embed your favorite third-party apps inside of your Storm by using embed sticky notes.
Use the new embed option in our file sticky tab to embed various different apps directly into your Storms, allowing you to reference other applications, data, projects, or anything else without the need to switch tabs or navigate between apps.
Available on Startup, Business, and Enterprise subscriptions.
What apps can I embed in Stormboard?
Basically, any app that allows you to copy an embed link (iFrame code) can be embedded into a Storm now — think of everything from a custom form or social media post to different video players and presentation software.
As of launch, some examples of supported apps include:
Google Calendar
Microsoft Streams
Adobe XD
Google Maps
Hubspot Forms
Various other whiteboard and collaboration apps
To embed an app into a Storm:
- Find the embed link or iFrame code from the application you would like to embed.
- For the example of embedding a Tweet from Twitter, look for the word 'embed' within the menus of the Tweet and select that option.
- For the example of embedding a Tweet from Twitter, look for the word 'embed' within the menus of the Tweet and select that option.
- In your Storm, find the left toolbar and click on the 'More" option
- Click the iFrame Embed.
- Copy the embed link or iFrame code from Step 1 into the text field and press on 'Create'.
5. Click the newly created Sticky Note and select Open Embed to preview the content within your Storm's side panel.