How do I export/download a list of users on my team?

Team Administrators can download a spreadsheet with the names, usernames, and email addresses of each user on their team.

As a Team Administrator, you can download a spreadsheet with details of the enabled and disabled user accounts on your team.

To export a list of users on your team:

  1. Go to My Account and click your team's name at the bottom of the left-hand menu. Alternatively, you can click the gear icon to the right of your team's name on your Dashboard.

Dashboard with "Your Subscription" settings icon selected

2. Click the Users tab at the top of your team's settings page.

3. Click the Export button at the top of your team's user list.

Exporting users via team user list

A .xlsx file will automatically begin to download. This file contains the following fields:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Username

  • Active Storms

  • Last Login

  • Storm Creator

  • Status


Also See: