How do I create an Image sticky?

Image sticky notes let you upload your own images or select from a royalty-free library.

There are 5 ways to upload images:

  1. Drag an image from your computer into the Storm.

  2. Open a sticky, select Image, and search for images on Pexels.

  3. Open a sticky, select Image and click: Select a local file 

  4. Open a sticky, select Image and click: Select from Google Drive

  5. Open a sticky, select Image and click: Select from OneDrive

multiple ways to upload an image to a sticky


Image stickies are saved automatically.

To search for a royalty-free image on Pexels:

  1. Type a keyword of the image you'd like to add.

  2. Hit Enter on your keyboard.

Royalty free images using Pexels

3.  Once you have found the image you'd like to add, hover over the image and simply click Add Image.

adding an image to a sticky


Also See: