How do I focus the attention of active collaborators to a certain area of a Storm?

Use the 'Focus Everyone on My Position' action to bring all your participants together in one view.

With just the click of a button, the Storm Administrator can focus the screen of every participant in a Storm to show the same view that he/she is seeing.

This is a great way for the facilitator of a brainstorming session to make sure every collaborator is in the same area of the Storm.

Note: This option is only available when other users are logged into the Storm at the same time as the Storm Administrator.

To focus everyone's attention:

  1. Click on the Actions button at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Select Focus Everyone on My Position. You will see a message confirming this action: Focusing all users to your screen.

Actions drop down menu Focusing all users to your screen pop up


The Storm Administrator can perform this action as many times as they please.


Also See: