Hover your cursor over a comment to bring up its options.
Accessing the edit and delete options for comments:
When you click on the conversation icon (speech bubble), it will show you:
Who made the comment.
The comment.
When the comment was made.

Hovering over a comment will show the edit (pen symbol) and delete (trash can symbol) options.

To edit a comment:
Clicking the edit button (pen symbol) will show a text box that allows you to edit the previous text.

Press enter on your keyboard or click the checkmark below the text box to post your edited comment
Edited comments will have have a label that reads 'Edited' in the top right (shown below)

To delete a comment:
Note: Only the Storm Administrator or the sticky creator has the ability to Delete comments.
Clicking the delete button (trash can symbol) will result in a pop-up message. You can click OK to permanently delete the comment or Cancel to leave the comment on the sticky.

The deleted comment will still show the user, but the comment will read 'This comment has been deleted.' (shown below).

Also See: