Cancel your subscription from the Billing section of your team's My Account settings.
Note: Only the Team Administrator can perform this action. Be sure to log in using a web browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc.) with your Team Administrator e-mail.
To cancel your subscription:
From your Dashboard go to: My Account.

On the bottom left select the team you wish to change the subscription for under My Teams.
Select Billing.
Click: Cancel Subscription.

A new window will open showing:
1 ) Notification that ALL Storms will close making them READ ONLY.
2 ) Number of Storms that will be closed.
3 ) Number of Users that will be notified.
4 ) How much your final bill will be.
5 ) Length of your subscription.
6 ) You will need to select a reason for cancellation.
7 ) You will need to confirm the subscription change.
If you change to the FREE subscription, all your Storms need to be closed (making them read only).
If your Storms have less than 5 users, you can re-open them.
When re-opening a Storm that has more than 5 users, it will become active and Billing Charges will apply.
Please make sure that you do not double click the cancellation button. Duplicate cancellation charges may apply, please contact us if this happens.
Also See: