Multiple people can easily participate in a Storm at the same time.
Once a Storm is created, you will be able to invite people to that Storm. This can be done by email, link, or by using a Storm ID and Key.
You can find the information needed to share your Storm by clicking on the Invite Users button at the bottom of your screen.

Once someone accepts the invitation to the Storm, they have access to work on it at the same time as you and other team members.
The type of subscription you have with Stormboard will determine how many people you can invite to one Storm:
Personal (free) accounts can have up to 5 open Storms and can have maximum 5 users per Storm.
Startup accounts can have unlimited Storms and unlimited users. Keep in mind that you are charged per user per month. Startup accounts can also have up to 5 free Storm viewers — these users are only able to view the Storms but cannot edit/change them.
Business accounts can have unlimited Storms and unlimited users. Keep in mind that you are charged per user per month. Business accounts can also have up to 10 free Storm viewers. In addition, Business accounts are able to have multiple Storm Administrators.
Enterprise accounts can have unlimited Storms and unlimited users. Keep in mind that you are charged per user per month. Enterprise accounts can also have unlimited Storm viewers. In addition, Enterprise accounts are able to have multipleStorm Administrators , and multiple Team Administrators.
If you are planning on having multiple users running meetings and collaborating a paid account is recommended.
Also See: