What is the Trash?

How to view and recover deleted sticky notes.

Did you delete something by mistake? No problem! Gone are the days of hitting delete and losing your content forever.

The Trash Tab in each Storm is where any sticky note you delete will go — and stay — unless you empty the Trash, or add it back into your Storm.

The Trash Tab is located in the top right-hand corner of your Storm (shown below).

Trash can Icon in a Stormboard Storm

Clicking on the Trash Tab will open the Trash Panel. To permanently delete items that are in the trash panel, click the white ‘Empty’ button at the top right of the panel and everything in the panel will be deleted.

To the right of each sticky note in the Trash Panel, you have options for that specific sticky note. Clicking 'Restore' will automatically place the note back into the Storm at the same location it was deleted from. Clicking 'Delete forever' will do exactly that - the sticky and its contents will be deleted from this Storm forever.

Closeup of trash icon and "empty" and "restore" options

Restoring Deleted Sticky Notes