Are You Experiencing These Three Remote Team Challenges?

Even before the coronavirus, companies were shifting to and learning the benefits of creating remote teams, but, unfortunately due to COVID-19 causing companies to fast track this new trend, many CEOs and team leaders are now wrestling with the challenges and obstacles of this remote team transition.
Interested in learning how Stormboard can help you with
your remote Agile PI Planning?
Using a Timer Will Make Your Meetings Instantly Better

Whether you are remote or in-person, when it comes to meetings, the biggest complaints are about time — only 25% of meetings start and end on time, 45% of people feel like they are spending too much time in meetings, and 77% feel like too much time is spent decision-making.
How to Get Your Team on Board with Remote Project Management Software

In this article, we will discuss five ways to present remote project management software to your team that will help encourage them to adopt a digital landscape in the workplace.
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How to Create a Case Study

Case studies are the ideal way to show potential customers how valuable your products and services are by giving real-life examples of how they satisfy a need or help clients accomplish their goals.
They are also great ways to examine a problem, create a report on data gathered from an activity or event, or observe and investigate a specific person or group.
In this article, we are going to review what you need to include in your customer case study and how to create it with the Stormboard Case Study Template.

Using the Timer
Use the Timer for the different steps in your meeting or business process to make sure your work is getting done efficiently, and your meeting does not run too long.
The Timer counts down from a specific set time. It can be set using the pre-set times, or you can set a custom time.
You can also add a label to the Timer that can be seen by everyone on your Team.
Clicking “Hide” will minimize the Timer. You will still be able to see the countdown, but it will be embedded in the menu at the bottom of your Storm.