The Challenges of Remote Work and How Stormboard Can Help
Working remotely is a great option for many, but it definitely comes with challenges.
While there may be more flexibility in how and when they choose to work, remote employees often experience a feeling of detachment, procrastination, and distractions that they would not encounter while in a traditional office.
How to Improve Corporate Goal Setting and Tracking
It’s difficult to know where you’re going if you don’t know where you came from. This is the basis for all goal setting and tracking, whether it be personal or professional.
Being aware of your team and what they are doing can be easy when your team only consists of, say, 10 people. But, on a larger team scale, corporate goal tracking can prove to be more difficult.
Your Guide to Holding a Better Board Meeting (+how Stormboard can help)
Traditionally, a board meeting is a formal meeting where specific, high priority topics are covered by those who are in attendance.
The word “board” refers to the board members of an organization (and not the boardroom, whiteboard, etc.), but these meetings are often attended by other members of the organization — employees, managers, stakeholders — depending on the topics being discussed.
Stormboard’s Top Templates For Individual Projects and Small Teams
Stormboard is an ideal tool for large businesses and Enterprise Teams to use together during meetings or long planning sessions, but your subscription can also be utilized by individuals and small teams who are working on their own projects within your organization.
To give you some inspiration for other ways to use your Stormboard subscription, we’ve rounded up our top templates for individual and small team projects.

How to Use Freeform Digital Sticky Notes
Users now have the ability to make sticky notes as big or small as they want simply by clicking and dragging the corner of the note!
Here's how:
Create and save a new sticky note. (You can also turn any existing note into a freeform sticky note).
Click once on the note to open its menu.
In the size row, select the last option.
Now, when you click on the icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the sticky note, you will be able to resize the note simply by dragging it!
The freeform function will work on all types of notes.