Use a Single Tool For Your Planning!
Introducing The Stormboard Rally Integration

With the Stormboard two-way Rally integration for Enterprise Teams, you can connect to your Rally instance, query projects for work items, and update work item data without leaving Stormboard.
Using a single tool for your planning session will refine your Agile processes without losing touch with your distributed team.
Your Guide to Stormboard’s Feature Specification Template

The Feature Specification Template will help to guide you in creating a product people love.
Ensuring that you have well thought out feature specifications will allow you to identify and overcome any objections users may have when deciding whether or not to purchase your product.
The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Team Brainstorming

Brainstorming is one of the most effective ways a team can come up with solutions to problems and build on new business ideas.
By implementing effective brainstorming techniques, companies can see more substantial growth and utilize their team to leverage their business to new heights.
Your Guide to Stormboard’s Scrum to Lean Kanban Template

If you’re part of an Agile team, you may be using Scrum, which involves highly organized teams that follow an iteration work process.
Part of your process likely combines Scrum with the Lean Development approach (which is another Agile method), or you might be looking to transition from Scrum to Lean.