New Year, New Opportunities To Make Your Meetings Better!
It's January of a new decade, which means that we are all in full planning and goal setting mode. In this first edition of the Stormboard News for 2020, we are going to give you some valuable resources that will help you use Stormboard to smash your goals this year!
First, let's take a look back at our three most popular blogs of 2019 that will help you make the most of your business processes and team meetings in 2020.
Finding The Root Cause With a Fishbone Diagram
A Fishbone diagram, also referred to as an Ishikawa diagram, is a fish-shaped map that is used as a tool for problem-solving and getting to the root cause of an issue. It’s often used by large-scale teams, but can work for anyone. -
How to Run a Meeting Like a Boss: 10 Meeting Facilitation Tips
Becoming a skilled meeting facilitator doesn’t happen overnight — it takes lots of patience, continual learning, and confidence. All of that might sound overwhelming, but with some practice, anyone can hone their skills and start running meetings like a boss. -
Which Form of Agile is Best For Your Team? 7 Common Methods of Agile
Agile — it’s a common term in the business world, and it involves many different methodologies that can cater to any kind of team. But, if you aren’t familiar with the process, it can be intimidating, especially when it comes to choosing a method for your team.
Do you have a question? Want a little inspiration? Or are you interested in learning more about a business process? Contact us here — we are happy to help!
—Team Stormboard