Numerous actions can be "undone" or "redone" in-Storm by using the respective buttons in the bottom-left corner, or the keyboard shortcuts.
Undo keyboard shortcut:
Pressing CTRL+Z (Windows) or CMD+Z (Mac) will undo the most recent change(s).
Redo keyboard shortcut:
Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+Z (Windows) or CMD+SHIFT+Z (Mac) will redo the most recent change(s).
You can easily go back or forward a number of steps to recover unwanted changes using the respective 'Undo' and 'Redo' buttons in the bottom-left corner of your Storm.
What actions can undo and redo apply to?
Template and Section Changes:
Template switch
Magnetic section toggle (ideas snap back into place)
Section insertion
Section resizing
Section moving
Counting activation
Section deletion
Title change
Section color change
Sticky Note Changes:
Idea move
Idea create
Idea delete
Idea text change
Size change
Shape change
Color change
Convert to index card
Create group
Delete group
Rename group
Group color change
Line Connector Changes:
Line connector add or delete
Line connector label rename or removal
Line connector change
Change line connector connector point
Line connector color change
Line connector end point change
Bulk actions
StormAI idea generation