Is it possible to "undo" or "redo" actions?

Numerous actions can be "undone" or "redone" in-Storm by using the respective buttons in the bottom-left corner, or the keyboard shortcuts.

Undo keyboard shortcut:

Pressing CTRL+Z (Windows) or CMD+Z (Mac) will undo the most recent change(s).

Redo keyboard shortcut:

Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+Z (Windows) or CMD+SHIFT+Z (Mac) will redo the most recent change(s).

You can easily go back or forward a number of steps to recover unwanted changes using the respective 'Undo' and 'Redo' buttons in the bottom-left corner of your Storm.

What actions can undo and redo apply to?

Template and Section Changes:

  • Template switch

  • Magnetic section toggle (ideas snap back into place)

  • Section insertion

  • Section resizing

  • Section moving

  • Counting activation

  • Section deletion

  • Title change

  • Section color change

Sticky Note Changes:

  • Idea move

  • Idea create

  • Idea delete

  • Idea text change

  • Size change

  • Shape change

  • Lock/unlock

  • Color change

  • Convert to index card

  • Create group

  • Delete group

  • Rename group

  • Group color change

Line Connector Changes:

  • Line connector add or delete

  • Line connector label rename or removal

  • Line connector change

  • Change line connector connector point

  • Line connector color change

  • Line connector end point change


  • Bulk actions

  • StormAI idea generation