How to Install Stormboard For Jira

This integration is only available for those with an Enterprise Account

Do you have a question that isn't answered here? Check out the Stormboard For Jira FAQs here.

Before starting the install make sure you have the following:

  1. A Stormboard Enterprise Account 

  2. A Stormboard Team Administrator who can do the setup in Stormboard.

  3. A Jira Administrator that can modify Jira system permissions for adding and application link and creating a webhook.

  4. A list of the Jira projects that you will be connecting to Stormboard.

A. Open Two Tabs

  1. Jira Tab
    a. Go to: Jira Settings > Product > Application Links
    Example: https://{yourdomain}

  2. Stormboard Tab
    a. Go to
    b. Click on your team under My Teams in the left panel.
    c. Scroll down to Jira Software.
    d. Click "Configure".

B. Create Application Link for Stormboard for Jira 

 1. In the Jira Tab:
 2. Enter the URL of the Application you want to link (https://{subdomain.} and click “Create new link”.

Application link for Stormboard for Jira

3. A warning dialog will open saying that there was no response. Verify the URL used and click “Continue”.

Configure application page

4. Complete the required fields in the next form (pictured below)
    a. Application Name: Stormboard
    b. Application Type: Generic Application
    c. Click "Continue"

Jira application page

5. The dialog will close and your Application Link will now be in the list (the name from 4a above) . Click the pencil icon to edit it.

Jira application edits graphic

6. In the new dialog (see below), click “Incoming Authentication” on the left-hand side. 

Incoming Authentication page

7. Navigate to the Stormboard Tab and copy the following values into the Jira Tab (pictured below). 

Navigation tab

  a. Consumer Key (copied from Stormboard)
  b. Consumer Name (Enter “Stormboard”)
  c. Description (optional)
  d. Public Key (copied from Stormboard)
  e. Consumer Callback URL (copied from Stormboard)

8. Click "Save".

C. Configure Jira and Webhooks for Jira 

  1. On the Stormboard Tab:
    a. Enter your Jira Domain.
    b. Scroll down and click "Save".

  2. Connect a Service account.
    a. This with bring up a Jira Authorization Dialog to authorize the connection.

  3. Scroll down to the WebHook section and copy the WebHook URL.
    a. Go to: Jira Settings > System > WebHooks
    Example: https://[yourdomain]

  4. Click "Create new Webhook".

Jira webhooks page

5. Name: Stormboard WebHook

6. Paste the WebHook URL in the URL field.

7. Under Issue Related Events:
    a. Enter a filter for which projects you want connected

Issue related events graphic

         i. Example: “project=Demo” to connect your Jira Demo project (where DEMO is        the project key)
        ii. For multiple projects use project = Demo, projectA, projectB
       iii. For all projects, leave this blank.

    b. Under Issue: select created, updated, and deleted.
    c. Under the Issue Link: select created and deleted.

Jira Issue and Issue Link Checkboxes Screenshot

8. Click "Create".