How do I merge sections on a template?

Sections that align with edges of the same size can be merged together, effectively deleting the merged section.

Note: This feature requires a Business or Enterprise Subscription.

A section can be merged in two ways:

  1. Merge Right  

  2. Merge Bottom

How to Merge Right:  

  1. Click the pencil icon located in the top right corner on the section you would like to merge.

  2. A drop-down menu will open. Click Merge Right.

Merging a section right using the Edit section drop down menu

3. The section on the left will be merged with the section on the right.

How to Merge Bottom: 

  1. Click the pencil icon located in the top right corner on the section you would like to merge.

  2. A drop-down menu will open. Click Merge Bottom.

Merging bottom section using the Edit section drop down menu

3. The bottom section will merge with the section on top of it.