What is a Sub-Section?

Sub-Sections divide a section of a template into smaller sections, allowing you to further categorize your ideas within a broader theme.


Note: This feature is exclusive to our paid subscribers.

To add a sub-section:

  1. Click the pencil icon of the section you would like to add a sub-section to.

  2. Select Add Sub-Section.

Adding a sub section in Stormboard

3. A New Section will appear inside the current section.

new section in Stormboard

To edit a sub-section:

  1. Click the pencil icon of the New Section and select Edit Section.

Editing a section in Stormboard

2. Add a Title and a Description to this sub-section. Click Save Changes

customizing a template sub section

To resize a sub-section:

  1. Click the pencil icon and select Resize.

resizing a sub section in Stormboard

2. Click the ( + ) or ( - ) to resize the sections horizontally and/or vertically.
3. Click Save Changes when you are done.

customize a template sub-section

To split a sub-section:

Click the pencil icon of the sub-section. You will have two options:

  • Split Top/Bottom

  • Split Left/Right

splitting a sub-section

To clear a section's sub-sections:

Click the pencil icon of the outer section that contains the sub-sections. There you will find an option to 'Clear Subsections'.

  • This will clear all sub-sections within a section.

  • Only the underlying template will be changed.

  • The stickies contained within the sub-sections will remain in place.

clearing subsections

Please visit our Plans and Pricing for more information.