How to create and customize Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides reports

Our Google Drive integration lets you export your Storm into stakeholder-ready documents which you can print, save, or share.

Use the Docs Report as meeting minutes, the Slides Report as a presentation to your executive team, and the Sheets Report to gather and analyze your data. Running any of these Reports will open the document within your Storm for viewing and editing. It can then be added to your Storm or opened directly in Google Drive.

To run a Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides report, log into your Stormboard account and enter the Storm you'd like to export:

  1. Click on the Reports button at the bottom of your Storm.

Reports icon highlighted in bottom toolbar

2. Click on the type of report you would like to create and click Run Report.

Selection of Google reports

3. A panel will open containing the report. In this window, you can edit and comment on the report exactly as you can in Google Drive.

A Google Docs report in Stormboard

4. When you're ready, you can save the report to your Storm or open the report in Google Drive using the buttons in the top right corner of the editing panel.

Google Docs Report

Google Slides Report

Google Sheets Report


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